Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Purple Ice Cream (Story 3 of 3)

So how this ice cream looks like and has anybody seen it?  Yes. It is finally here.

See the rest of the story:

What makes it special: The yellow colour will do great part of the job, so choose wisely. The ice cream effect is great. This approach is suitable for designs you like and like to keep for a few days more.

How long it lasts:
I stayed with the design of this step for a day. My problem was that I ruined some of the French almost as soon as I was ready. Be careful with the fresh nail polish, give it some time to dry or use dryer.

To cook this look you need:


  1. Follow the steps from Purple Ice Cream: Purple (Story 1 of 3)
  2. Follow the steps from Purple Ice Cream: Purple Ice (Story 2 of 3) 
  3. Cut tapes
  4. Place them it on your nails. You don't have to press it too tight, it is ok for the ice cream to spot here and there
  5. Apply yellow nail polish. Apply it generously.
  6. Remove the tape as soon as you apply the nail polish. You can use tweezers.
  7. Wait to dry. Seriously. Wait. To. Dry.
  8. To speed up a little the drying process you can use dryer and wait to dry. 
Why so much fuss about the drying? At this point the yellow is already the fifth layer of nail polish on your nails. All this chemistry on the top of your fingers "melts" under the acetone (or whatever other ingredients). They soak in the lower layers and make it harder to dry. 

This is especially valid if you use cheap brands (like me). 

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