Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Cats are copycats, this design was invented to honour the typocats who enjoy reading the news.

What makes it special: The artistic expression brought to you by the newspaper. All bookworms love it.
How long it lasts:
I had it for three days but it could have stayed longer. You can split this design into two steps and wear the newspaper design for a few days, then make floral decorations and keep it for a few days more. I did it all at once.

Step 1, Newspaper

To cook this look you need:

  • Three kitties
  • Base coat
  • White nail polish
  • Top coat
  • Alcohol (rubbing alcohol, strong, at least 70)
  • Newspaper
  • (Optional) Cotton and tweezers

  1. Apply the base coat
  2. Apply a few layers of white (I had to ally three)
  3. Wait to dry. 
  4. Cut small pieces of the newspaper and place them one by one on the nails
  5. Rub each piece with the alcohol. 
  6. Don't rub for longer than 10 seconds or your nail polish will be spoiled.
  7. Use cotton to rub them better. Use the tweezers to remove the newspaper. (optional, you can use fingers too)
  8. Apply top coat. Wait to dry.

Step 2, Flowers

To cook this look you need:

  • Three kitties
  • Everything from Step 1, Newspaper
  • Dotting tool
  • Toothpick
  • Two shades of green nail polish
  • Yellow nail polish
  • Other colours of nail polishes - blue, red, purple, orange... it is up to you
  1. Dip the dotting tool in the red nail polish and create five red dots for each flower on each finger. Wait to dry.
  2. Repeat this with the rest or the colours.
  3. Dip the dotting tool in the yellow nail polish and place a dot in the center of each flower. Wait to dry.
  4. Take the toothpick and dip it in the lime green nail polish to create the basic leafs. 
  5. The other side of the toothpick-stick dip in dark green and create the accents in the center of each leaf.
  6. Wait to dry.
  7. Apply top coat.

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